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We were @

Cyber Week Tel Aviv

A year in cybersecurity is a long time arrow

A year in cybersecurity is a long time

At CyberWeek 2024, Memcyco led the charge against evolving cyber threats, showcasing next-gen technology. From real-time AI defenses to sophisticated anti-phishing measures.

As proud sponsors again, this year, we took part in FraudCon as official patrons. It was great meeting you at our booth in the Startup Pavilion, and networking with us at the FraudCon and other side events.

The bottom line: Real-time is the only time in digital risk protection.

Tel Avive University
A year in cybersecurity is a long time arrow


Futurecon Logo

We took part in the

‘instant visibility’ digital risk protection evolution

See you from June 24-27 2024 | Tel Aviv University

In addition to being Cyber Week sponsors, this year we were proud to be FraudCon patrons.

While we were at our booth, we also were networking at FraudCon.
We demonstrated breakthroughs that have slashed global businesses’ incident costs and dramatically enhanced their response capabilities.
Our goal: Enable global businesses to go on the offensive and shut down phishing-related brand cyber attacks faster, earlier and for longer than competitor solutions.


Discover how to auto-swap stolen user credentials with ‘Decoy Credentials’ right at the moment of impact


Learn how to unlock instant, real-time visibility of individual phishing-related scam victim identities


Get to know the ATO ‘nano defenders’ already helping global businesses saving millions in incident handling

As us about the Window of Exposure 2


Ask us about the ‘Window of Exposure’, why nobody wants to talk about it, and how we’re finally closing it


Missed our team? Get in touch

Our team was on standby at our booth in the Startup Pavilion and at FraudCon, talking cyber defense strategies. Did you miss them? Reach out today and book some time.

Eran Tsur

Chief Marketing Officer

Ori Mazin

CRO, Co-Founder

Tzoor Cohen

Tzoor Cohen

SOC Team Lead

Eyal Zargari

Eyal Zargari

Account Executive, Mid-Market

Israel Mazin

CEO & Co-Founder

Gideon Hazam

Gideon Hazam

COO, Co-Founder

Ido Mazin

Manager, Partnerships & Strategic Accounts

Adi Katzir

Channel Marketing Operations

Book time with us during Cyber Week

Memcyco in Action at Cyber Week Tel Aviv

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